Professor Ed Gilman Teaching Series
Comprehensive video lecture series on all things trees: biology, structure, pruning, planting, etc…
Language of the Ropes
You’re going to need some terminology to get started.
Learn your damn knots!
Climbing Basics
For noobs
Rigging Basics
Let’s start at the beginning
Chainsaw Basics
You’ll need to know this stuff
Basic Jobsite Skills
Be productive on the job from day 1
Tree Pests and Diseases
Lots of great information
Tree ID Book
First 48 trees to learn.
Small Business Resources
Some of the resources that I have developed over the last 8 years for my own small business, ConservaTree Inc.
Additional Resources
Online, Books & E-books, Videos
U.S. Forest Service
A sampling of great content produced by the USFS.
Basic concepts of formal apprenticeship programs in arboriculture