These are some valuable additional resources you may wish to check out. Note: this is not a comprehensive list but rather a good starting point for further learning.
Experienced climbers are your best learning resource. Always pay attention to everything done in the tree. You can learn more in two weeks by watching someone who knows what they are doing than you can in 6 months of reading books and watching Youtube videos of tree work. You should make it your goal to always work with people that you can learn from. And remember: if you are not learning at work then you are missing out on a significant portion of your compensation.
- The Treehouse
- ArbTalk
- Canopy Chatter
- ArboristSite
- Tree Resource Guide –
- SherrillTree Learning Centre
G.F. Beranek: The Fundamentals of General Tree Work – Digital Edition
– This is the one that started it all for me
John Laird Farrar – Trees In Canada
Edward F. Gilman – An Illustrated Guide to Pruning
Jeff Jepson:
1. The Tree Climber’s Companion: A Reference And Training Manual For Professional Tree Climbers, 2nd Edition
2. To Fell a Tree – A Complete Guide to Tree Felling and Woodcutting Methods
3. Knots at Work
1. Best Practices for Rigging in Arboriculture, 2nd edition
2. Best Practices for SRT in Arboriculture
Alex Shigo:
1. Tree Basics: What Every Person Needs to Know About Trees
2. A New Tree Biology
Clifford Ashley – The Ashley Book of Knots
John Davey – The Tree Doctor
G.F. Beranek – Working Climber Series 1,2,3
Lawrence Schultz – The Schultz Effect
US Forest Service
“Handtools for Trail Work” and “An Ax to Grind”
A sampling of great content produced by the USFS.